Me, from Fitchburg, Massachusetts, waiting to see Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell. On my left is Jason Edwards. The girl is Laressa Knight.
  • Becky O'Donahue from New York. Made it to the TOP 24 for American Idol 5!!!....and was also one of the first to leave:-(
  • This is Curt from Danvers, Ma. and Anthony from Peabody. This pic was taken off of Curt's myspace profile. I joined him for lunch.
  • Ayla Brown from Wrentham, MA. Made it to the TOP 16 for American Idol 5!!!
  • Tuesday, February 21, 2006

    Here's one source to view me in the background....

    I'm sure you guys remember Mr. I'm nervouse and I gotta pee..." His name is Michael Sandecki and he has a video clip of his portion of the AI show on his MySpace profile. There's a part when Ryan was talking. I was sitting in the chairs against the wall behind him....

    Monday, February 20, 2006

    I added the pics...

    ...Okay the pics were sent to me by someone nice enough to go through the effort of getting them for me(KellanC )....When I viewed them, they filled up the whole screen. I saved to the computer. In order to IMG SRC a pic I need a web address. I used my yahoogroup to post the photos on and then use the www adress from there to fill in the image HTML code.....sound right? Well, the two timy squares of me at the top and the tiny box of Ayla and her family from her Dad's official site is all that's left of the transaction. Reminds me of Wonka vision...

    I do have a guestbook way at the bottom of the page. I have over 5,000 hits yet 4 postings in my guestbook (one of which is mine). And the others, thanks guys, MJ and peeps....
    Again that's located way at the bottom of the page...

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    My pic is on the Official American Idol website:-)

    Yes. Under the Boston pics, I'm number 193 and 194. Anyone know how to copy and paste these copywritten pictures? I can't seem to do it...

    If any one would like to help cut the pics and e-mail them to me, that'd be great....

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006

    I was in the background...

    Everything from my blog came true.....Ayla Brown...of course Mommy and daddy wanted their tv time. Gail Huff was sooooooo fucking fake it was sickening....The O'Donahue twins. Becky was just so beautiful. I can't wait for her to hit the high notes in Hollywood. Our boy that had to run to the bathroom. Now I know the full context of it. He sat on my lap earlier in the day....The GWAR boys! WE hung out at lunch and had a puff session. And of course, my white boy rapper..Ghost. He was cute and adorible. He was totally free styling. I give him props for trying. He does have his own CD and I'm sure it's hot.
    If you knew where to look I was in the background. Also win Ryan was talking I was sitting outside the judges room...I wish I was on tv. Guess this is the end of Idol Fever Approaching. I'll still check this place daily. Maybe add a post here and there.
    I'm in Disney World. The place where Magic is real and dreams come true. Someday, I'll have my day....until then I have to keep dreaming...
    Cuz I've been dreaming of you tonight, till tommorrow, I'll be holding you tight. And there's no where in the world, I'd rather be. Then here in your arms, thinking about you and me.....Looks like I have my AI 6 song all planned out....


    It's finally here. Last. I had a feeling it'd be last. I also have another feeling my face won't be seen on tv at all. I didn't act stupid. I didn't go off on the mouth. No crazy costume. When Simon first said, "That was horrible," and the other judges agreed, I should have said "Thank-you" and walked out. They sat there waiting for me to talk or do something so they could make look stupid. I was making my 7 hour day, weeks of preparation, lost pay time and sleeping in the rain worth my visit to the celebrity judges. I got my "monies" worth...Just call me the underdog...

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