Me, from Fitchburg, Massachusetts, waiting to see Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell. On my left is Jason Edwards. The girl is Laressa Knight.
  • Becky O'Donahue from New York. Made it to the TOP 24 for American Idol 5!!!....and was also one of the first to leave:-(
  • This is Curt from Danvers, Ma. and Anthony from Peabody. This pic was taken off of Curt's myspace profile. I joined him for lunch.
  • Ayla Brown from Wrentham, MA. Made it to the TOP 16 for American Idol 5!!!
  • Friday, October 28, 2016

    The "Underground" Movement.

    Filming a paparazzi-like documentary takes a complete turn of events when then 26 year old Miranda Tozier-Robbins is arrested on the property of celebrity Britney Spears. Telling her story from idea to execution you will be included on the documentary trail and what it’s like to literally be an overnight sensation

    "...a literary maze of artistic and grammatical intellect...award worthy..." MTR

    Available now on Kindle and Amazon:-)

    “Once you were caught at Brit's house and had auditioned [for the singing competition American
    Idol], with a song of hers, people were seeing it as a possibility of a {person who previously auditioned for the same show, Paula [GoodSpeed,]} Since Paula [committed suicide], no one could get in her head and figure out why she had done that. The assumption is that's what they

    want [from you], that connection to explain it.”

    Table of Contents

    Prologue                                                             i
    Chapter 1: The City of Angels                                   1
    Chapter 2: School and Work                                      17
    Chapter 3: The Idea, the Plan, the Challenge                    19
    Chapter 4: Final Preparations, Provisions, and Planning         41
    Chapter 5: The Mission                                          44
    Chapter 6: My Fifteen Minutes of Fame                           82
    Chapter 7: Legalities                                          119                                                                             

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