Me, from Fitchburg, Massachusetts, waiting to see Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell. On my left is Jason Edwards. The girl is Laressa Knight.
  • Becky O'Donahue from New York. Made it to the TOP 24 for American Idol 5!!!....and was also one of the first to leave:-(
  • This is Curt from Danvers, Ma. and Anthony from Peabody. This pic was taken off of Curt's myspace profile. I joined him for lunch.
  • Ayla Brown from Wrentham, MA. Made it to the TOP 16 for American Idol 5!!!
  • Wednesday, January 25, 2006

    Still no Boston auditions...I predict it last

    Chicago, Denver, Greensboro, San week it's Vegas...I predict Austin will be after that followed by Boston. At Gillette Stadium the producers were announcing "Boston will be the premiere." They kept trying to get the crowd hyped up. "Boston, you guys are opening the show." "Boston, the premiere is starting with you guys." What happened?
    I think I know....they are holding Boston for last since internet users know most of the story of what went down at the Convention Center. Everyone knows the judges weren't at the stadium. Everyone knows all those thousands of people at the stadium weren't seen by the judges. Everyone knows there were cuts before the judges. Everyone knows about Ayla Brown. Everyone knows about Becky O'Donahue. Everyone knows about Colton Rudloff. Everyone knows about the girl from Fitchburg who has an access television show, graduated from college, went to the military, worked at Disney, auditioned for AI, failed, went back to school, and auditioned again in Boston. She failed and did what Paula Abdul said to do the first she met her.."Go back to Disney." (check out for full story) WEll, I'm here. Now what Paula?
    American Idol knows the existence of this blog. Is that why they are saving Boston till last? To keep us all interested to see how well the show lines up with my blog? I bet they won't even show my clip because I didn't wear a crazy costume, I'm not the Senator's daughter, and I told the whole world what happened in my own greed for temporary fame...

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Today's the day

    B*witched have a song called Rollercoaster. The lines begin, "Today's the day..."
    For those who are interested the rest of the line is "...we have to play."
    I'm excited. I'm sure everyone else is just as excited. People keep asking "Are you going to be on tv?" I have to give the same answer. "I don't know."
    I don't edit the show. I don't decide who's going to be seen and who isn't. No one knows who's going to be seen and who isn't. I predict Ayla Brown alone will have a whole 20 minute feature. LOL

    Tuesday, January 03, 2006

    "Whatever happened to the A*teens?"

    Beleive it or not someone typed an MSN search on that question. My site came up as 7th in line. Wow. It's because I sang an A*Teens song for Nigel Lythgoe, executive producer for American Idol(see "The Arrival: Part III") MJ's big blog has been directing a lot of traffic over here too:-)
    What I see happeneing around the net is the list of Hollywood names and descriptions from her site is making its rounds everywhere. Some people are copying and reposting the list and not even knowing where it came from.
    I've started to see commercials. Probably the same ones everyone else in America is seeing:-)
    Rumour has it Ayla Brown is not in the Top 24th. Coming from a comment left on DJ Slim's site. She was home in time for a basketball game. Still, one who was in Hollywood, claims she's moving on. Check out MJ's Blog for that one.
    Also, please feel free to sign my guestbook at the very bottom of the page. I'm the only one who's signed it so far...

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