I've signed and got my hair done
I would have liked to have post this earlier but for now computer access is limited so for now it's old news to me but new news to you. I've signed my life away. I've done it before. Agreed to give up my rights for a cause I didn't really understand. Turned into a machine for fighting and killing. I wanted my American rights back. I broke the contract. A few nights ago I downloaded and printed the official release forms from the American Idol website. I read and understood I'm giving up my rights as a private citizen. This time there will be no turning back from the outcome that will happen. Fame or failure, humour or humiliation, I understand the document I signed. I'm 22. Old enough to sign on my own free will...
So, when you start pulling and yanking the comb through your head that's probably a sign it needs a relaxer. Yes, I went to the salon and had a touchup. My hair was straightened straight but then I washed my hair yesterday and now it's a little puffy. I'll have to fix it again before I leave next week. Next week...I can't believe it's so soon. I'm so excited!
So, when you start pulling and yanking the comb through your head that's probably a sign it needs a relaxer. Yes, I went to the salon and had a touchup. My hair was straightened straight but then I washed my hair yesterday and now it's a little puffy. I'll have to fix it again before I leave next week. Next week...I can't believe it's so soon. I'm so excited!