Me, from Fitchburg, Massachusetts, waiting to see Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell. On my left is Jason Edwards. The girl is Laressa Knight.
  • Becky O'Donahue from New York. Made it to the TOP 24 for American Idol 5!!!....and was also one of the first to leave:-(
  • This is Curt from Danvers, Ma. and Anthony from Peabody. This pic was taken off of Curt's myspace profile. I joined him for lunch.
  • Ayla Brown from Wrentham, MA. Made it to the TOP 16 for American Idol 5!!!
  • Saturday, September 03, 2005

    The arrival

    Arriving in Boston, Ma on Monday August 29th, I asked around for directions to South Station. I had my bike with me and couldn't bring it on the Green Line. The Orange Line was down. I made it there and saw a woman and young gentlemen waiting on a side bench. They had clothes on a hanger, covered. It was obvious where they were catching the next train to. At 10:25p.m. the Attleboro line left South Station Boston and arrived in Mansfield just after 11:00p.m. I looked at the couple. "You guys going to Foxboro?" We circled around. No cabs, no buses.
    Another young lady from New York was standing on the platform. Audrey and Norman as I later learned are from New Jersey. We all pitched in $7:50 to pay for the $30 cab ride to Gillete Stadium in Foxboro. We arrived minutes after midnight making it officially Tuesday October 30th.
    Once in line there were less than 100 people. A blue tarp covered the most of the first aisle. I'm guessing it rained. Soon after I didn't have to guess anymore. Prepared with a pillow, a towel, and a sweatshirt in my duffel bag, I stretched out on the grass and prepared to catch some z's. The first trickle of rain began not more than 30 minutes later. There were about 15 more people in line.
    Audrey and Norman had lawn chairs. Audrey had an umbrella. She offered for me to sit on a bag next to her chair and lean under the umbrella. It began to rain...then pour. Some girls had a box of trashbags. I asked for one and Audrey helped me put it on.
    I was lucky to have been wearing my military boots. They kept the rain out for the first 2 hours of downpour. After that the wetness from my pants was to much and it began to seep down into my boots.
    For 4 hours it rained. Not more than 300 people endured the downfall. Some had tents. Others had umbrellas and raincoats. Some had nothing.
    By 6 a.m. the rain had subsided and nearly 1000 people were in line with the crowd still flowing in. By 8 a.m. the line began to filter into Gillette Stadium...


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