Me, from Fitchburg, Massachusetts, waiting to see Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell. On my left is Jason Edwards. The girl is Laressa Knight.
  • Becky O'Donahue from New York. Made it to the TOP 24 for American Idol 5!!!....and was also one of the first to leave:-(
  • This is Curt from Danvers, Ma. and Anthony from Peabody. This pic was taken off of Curt's myspace profile. I joined him for lunch.
  • Ayla Brown from Wrentham, MA. Made it to the TOP 16 for American Idol 5!!!
  • Wednesday, September 07, 2005

    The presidents office! Noon.

    I'm standing in line waiting to pay for a small plate of home fries. A lady comes up behind me. She's congratulating me on the article she read in the Worcester Telegram and Gazette yesterday. The news is quickly getting around. I will be in front of the American Idol judges this October.
    I'm not sure who said what and I don't want to start any he said she said here, so I'm saying I was told by her pictures wanted to be taken of me for our school's public affairs department. Mount Wachusett Community College. Gardner, Massachusetts. The bus broke down this morning.
    I told her my class is at 12:30p.m. It's my first class of the day. My only class of the day. Today is the second day of school. Yesterday was the first. I don't have a book for my class. I don't have any money for a book for my class.
    I knew I wanted some computer time before I get into the zone. That's why I'm here now. I'll be at the president's door at noon.


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